Monday, May 30, 2011


Just went through graduation...a sad and happy time...they will be missed!  Great young people...very bright futures ahead...God bless them all!

On another note...Poland checks in....with 5 hits!  Nice job Caroline!!!  Madame Curie would be proud!!!  By the's the  PATENT coming along?  You'll be the next topic of my blog!!!  Unless you don't want me to write about which case...I'll continue to write about you!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Checking in are...United Kingdom, Czech Republic, and Philippines!  Once again nice job people!!! I've been waiting for the Philippines...

On another note, I want to share with you how inspired I was by the (Turnitin) comments from my students after they read my blog...after all, if I was writing it...they were going to read it!!

Many of my students shared that they were surprised by the efforts of people "their age".  They hadn't realized how someone so young could tackle such serious projects.  Some shared that they were embarrassed that while they were testing the best laundry detergent someone else was looking into minimizing beach erosion, helping their school by designing a cheap scan tron machine, preserving the environment, addressing energy issues and trying to help Alzheimer's patients... Such real important projects! Many of my students said that they were inspired by these ideas and plan to rethink how they approach Science Fair next year. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! Some felt they weren't smart enough...which I responded...SILLINESS!!!  It's about the HEART and the desire to make a difference! Other students said "how do THEY get these ideas?"...I responded...LOOK AROUND YOUR WORLD - WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP IT? 

I think Sarah said it best when she wrote..."After reading your blog, I'm so excited about MY generation!"  ME TOO SARAH...ME TOO!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

2nd Roll Call!

It has been almost 24 hours since our experiment began.  Since then we're up to 12 countries!!!  It's getting Australia, Brazil, and France have joined in the McSchmitty Experiment!  But then some of the others are dropping off...sadness...they don't want to be counted in on this very scientific global scale experiment?  What the heck???   Now I have to get answers about why they dropped off?  I might even have to talk to some "tech" people...scary!  (Or I'll just ask my students since they know the answers to almost everything!!!  Actually when it comes to technology THEY are usually right on!  I'm sure they don't have belly buttons they have USB ports...there's another cutting edge idea! )

A shout out to those who brought in those new countries...we really are very connected!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1st Roll Call (1st Experimental Data!)

Joining the US, Germany, Canada, Argentina and India are...United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Israel, and Nigeria!   Way to go guys!!!! 

So here's THE experiment!

How connected are we to the whole world?  After talking to my A-mod students further we discovered we had connections to...3 Presidents...Steven Tyler...Brittany Spears...Muhammed Ali...Chuch Norris..Nicholas Cage...Johnny Depp...Al Capone...Will Ferrel...Lu Holtz...Neil Armstrong/Buzz Aldrin/Michael Collins...Dennis DeYoung...Charice...Zach Galifianakis ....and Queen Elizabeth!!!!   THE WORLD IS GETTING SMALLER BY THE SECOND!!!!  AND THAT WAS JUST A MOD (ONE CLASS) !!!!! 

So here's the experiment....send this blog to anyone who lives outside of the US...let's see how long it takes for us to cover the GLOBE?  A day?  A year?  A never?  What the heck...Vincent will do a science project on getting Internet service to what ever country does not receive this that inspiration or what!

Global Curiosity Experiment!!! JOIN US!!!

Well...I checked my stats and I have 385 hits from the US/Alaska (probably Howard the Alaskan salesman!), 4 from Germany, 1 from Argentina, 1 from India, and 1 from Canada.  Now I'm just long before we connect to the entire globe?  After all there is suppose to be 6 Degrees of Separation (although one of my students "Chuckers" says its 7 for him...) ...I think this separation thing means that we are all suppose to be connected to each other by 6 people.....I think there's a book on this...

For a really cool example that I shared with my son was in flight school with Dr. Robert Milikan's great, great nephew (blood line thingy).  Who is Robert Milikan (University of Chicago)? ...why he did the famous OIL DROP EXPERIMENT in which he used Thomson's data to come up with the mass and charge of the electron.  THE FIRST AMERICAN to contribute to the MODERN ATOMIC THEORY!  Cool beans!  So here's the really cool students are connect to me...I gave birth to my kid in school with Milikan's nephew...Milikan's nephew is Nephew of Milikan...  SO TO my Milikan....MY STUDENTS HAVE CONNECTIONS TO THE MODERN ATOMIC THEORY!!!!  VERY, VERY COOL BEANS!!!!
And Milikan was buds with Thomson, Rutherford and maybe even Einstein!   WOWSERS!!!!!

Any way I got this experiment I'm thinking about...

Monday, May 23, 2011

International Sensation!

Wowsers!  I just checked my traffic/audience ...  I have 319 from the US (including Alaska) ...3 from Germany...1 from Argentina (maybe Emy?) ...and 1 from India!!    I'm almost a  rock star!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Adventure Comes to a Close

I've been back now for several days.  So swamped that I haven't been able to finish this Blog...I've shared some of the stories with my students...the Nobel Prize Laureates, the birthday cake, the roaches...

First, I want to share some of the specifics of the projects that NEFRSEF took to ISEF.  I will give my short, small brain version of their projects....because there is SOOO much I don't understand!

Mohan and Dileep -  They worked with Dr's and volunteered at hospitals/nursing homes where they assisted Alzheimer's patients.  They researched that Alzheimer's disease deals, in part, with the flow of current past tissues in the brain.  They experimented by passing a current through tissues (squid tissue/alcohol) to gain a better understanding of how to improve the flow of current and hence aide in the symptoms associated with Alzheimer's.  These guys wanted to do something to improve the situation of Alzheimer's patients!  Is that awesome or what!!! Mohan was the most respectful young man I have ever met.  He was very proud that he had become a US citizen just 3 weeks ago!  Dileep had an incredible work ethic - he took 5 exams (AP & IB) the week we were in LA...and he never complained!  Dileep is on his way to Rice University. What great young people! 

Morgan - She has been working on a project for a couple of years now and she is not done!  She is doping metals to make them better nanoconductors.  (I think this translates into making better conductive metals. )  Morgan was our cheerleader and veteran - she gets everyone excited to be at Science Fair and is an incredible role model to her peers.  She is so proud of her work at Camp I Am Special.  When Morgan's around you can't help but be happy.  She is one her way to UC Berkeley.  Another incredible young person!

Andrew - He genetically engineered a new strand of rice that would survive greater environmental stresses.  Are you blown away yet?  Andrew was very poised and professional. (Which explains why he thought I was weird!)  Andrew has family in LA so we were lucky to have them around us for the awards ceremony and dinner.  What a great family...everyone of them!  Andrew won a Special Award and took 3rd Place in his category.  Another incredible person!

Gabby - She took it all in.  We have all informed her that her project needs to be the caliber of what she has witnessed at ISEF.  She's nervous but has so much passion for her work that I know she will do great things!  She was thrilled when she got a call from her Dad about locating some DNA for her project...she has plans to work on it over the summer!  Another incredible person!

Chris -  In his project, he engineered a "magnetic levitation train propulsion system" by "altering" the current.  There's so much to this I can't put it together.  When Chris talks to me about it he speaks v e r y   s l o w l y.
And I still don't get it!  Chris like Morgan is viewed as a veteran of the group...he is the voice of experience!
Chris won 3 Special Awards and took 2nd Place in his category!  He made over  $12,000.  Is that incredible or what?  Chris is on his way to MIT.

Well, the fun is over but the memories will last a lifetime...cliche I know!  I was inspired by the young people - NEFRSEF's and those I met at ISEF.  My hope is that by sharing their stories it will inspire others as well. The sky is the set your ceiling.  It was such a wonderful time. I am honored to have been a part of it.  A "shout out" to my admin for encouraging me to go!

I was lucky to chaperon with great people...Mr. Doug (Boss Man - I just made that up...but you needed a name!)  Ms.Kristy (Butterfly Princess / ISEF Biffle!) and Dr. Raj (Dr. Tranquility - did you know that air travel to India is 28 hours?  That made our 4 hours of travel from Atlanta to LA seem like nothing!)

Thanks for the memories and God Bless,
Teacher McSchmitty (Mama Bear)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Belated # 3.755 - My International Students!

Hi!  I'm more on my interpreting projects:

#1  Florencia y Aylen from Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Their project was about documenting the erosion of the beach due to man-made beach accesses and poor city planning.  The girls loved the beach but noticed the damage caused by a poorly planned beach access (a road which cuts directly to the beach/sand.) They took their findings to local authorities to raise awareness and show how they can prevent beach erosion in the future.  Brilliant work and great efforts to correct a problem in their local community.   Argentinian Biffles!

#2  Nayley y Tania from Mexico.  They create an inexpensive "scantron" machine for use by their teachers.  They explained that their teachers have 5 classes of about 50 students each and that grading exams took much of their time.  They also explained that their schools had limited funds.  To help the situation, Nayley and Tania designed software that would read their inexpensive "scantron" paper.  Their machine consisted of a computer, an old printer, and a web cam.  They wrote the software program themselves!  The really cool part is that their machine has been in use in their school for the past 4 months!  The teachers love it and give the girls suggestions on how to improve their machine.  Again these ladies have improved their world!

#3  Christian from Puerto Rico.  He used Bio Indicators (the presence of special snails) to show the contamination of ocean water near his home.  He hopes to continue his project further and to raise awareness of the pollution problems in the area.  Again...making a difference in his world .

#4  Clara y Emilcen from a small town (population 540!) outside Formosa, Argentina.  These ladies raised an awareness about the depletion of a common tree species (Gleditsia Amorphoides) in their small town. The tree was being cut down by the locals for wood and charcoal. Occasionally, the locals would sell the seeds produced by the trees.  The girls were concerned about the environmental implications of losing the tree population.  Upon doing research (they had to travel an hour away to have access to the Internet), Clara and Emilcen discovered that the seeds were very important to many different industries and that they were a valuable asset to the community.  Making a long story short...the girls surveyed/ informed the community that the seeds were very valuable and that they could improve the quality of lives (and the environment) if they focused on selling of the seeds.  The response was overwhelming and their community now seeks to grow the seeds for profit.  They girls saved the trees but also financially improved the lives of those in their community.  They were selected to have their story documented in an INTEL film project called "100 People."  A camera crew will be travelling to their town to film their story.  Argentinian Rock Star Biffles!

I was so impressed with all of these kids.  All the students at ISEF are INCREDIBLE!  These guys have so much to offer our world!  Here is a link to the ISEF PROGRAM.  Check out the titles of the projects...welcome to the club if you have no idea what they mean! 

I am so humbled and inspired by the young people I met.  I was especially inspired by our group Chris, Gabby, Mohan, Morgan, Andrew,and Dileep!  More on them to follow.  Mr. Doug told me that the inspiration/excitement from ISEF would last for a couple of weeks...I think it will be much longer!

After a long day of judging (8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.) we left for Universal Studios Hollywood until almost midnight.  We rode on the Simpson's virtual reality ride (Ms. Kristy almost tossed her cookies on Dileep, Mohan, and Andrew...but they don't know!) and on the Shrek ride.  We took a picture with Bart of us made a joke ABOUT HIM and he threatened to beat us (me) much for Bart's sense of humor!  Silly kid...

Thursday the Science Fair was open to the public.  Participants were at their booth from 8:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M.    That night we had one of the two Awards Ceremonies...more excitment to follow!

Belated # 3.75

Wowsers!  I have surfaced for air!!!!  Things have been so busy that I am way behind in sharing the adventure!!!  

Before I go any further...a HUGE "SHOUT OUT" to my 4 followers (yes FOUR! and I didn't offer them any money!)...Amanda, Ashley, Jan and Alex! XOXOX to all!!! (By the way Jan I've been talking to folks about our work with NOAA.  Ms. Kristy wants us to show her what we do...tell Caroline and Michael.  WE will now instruct!!! I'm looking forward to getting back to our testing.)

A couple short stories I forgot to mention about Nobel Prize Laureates:

Sir Rich Roberts...when asked about any "missed opportunities" in his life he shared the following:

When he was 17 he would skip school and would go play billiards (shoot pool).  He said he was very good and was hoping to become a Champion Billiard player.  He eventually got caught by the Principal which he thought was going to result in his expulsion from school allowing him to begin his billiard career.  Instead, his parents and Principal came to an agreement...he was allowed to stay in school.  Sir Rich Roberts felt that this was his "missed opportunity" to become Champion Billiard player (pool shark).  LOL !!!  (this means "laugh out loud" for us old people.) 

Another Nobel Prize Laureate told a story of having their research rejected for publishing just weeks before receiving the Nobel Prize award...the CRITICS are many!  And we ALL experience them!!!

Back to Science Fair:
It's Wednesday, May 11th. The official JUDGING DAY.  I have volunteered to work with the Observers Activities since teachers are not allowed in thejudging hall.  Only "Official" people are allowed to enter - students, judges,...etc.  I was going to be around Gabby since she was our NEFRSEF OBSERVER.  (That means she's awesome and we expect to have her representing us as an official project next year!)  We had another Observer (Marcus) but unfortunately he was unable to attend.  Anyway...Gabby and I go to sign-in and to my shock they were in desperate need of Spanish Interpreters.  (Really?...we are in California for goodness sake!)   OK.  So now they have given me more ribbons to hang on my lanyard and off to the JUDGING HALL I go.  I am assigned about 4 + project to interpret for.  I'm a bit nervous because I've never done this before.  I only speak Spanish primarily with family.  What if I didn't know the Spanish... or the Science...or BOTH!  Holy Guacamole!  But what the heck...I'd make the best of it anyway.  When I arrived I realized the kids were more nervous than me.  The thought that they had done this work and wouldn't be able to communicate their project scared the stew out of them.  We quickly made friends (more Biffles...I was as comfortable with them as they were with me.  All of a sudden these were MY kids and I had to make sure their story was told well! 

I've got to go for now...I'll fill you in when I return...about my international kiddos...about the incredible successes of our awesome team!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2nd +++ Post

Hello all!  It's been so busy I didn't have a chance to update you yesterday.  I'll be brief about the cool things going on...we had two more awesome person join us Morgan (an ISEF alumni like Chris!) and caught up with Ms. Marion, another chaperon.

First of all, on Monday was a house keeping day...we set up displays, did alot of walking, then attended the Opening Ceremony at night.  The Opening Ceremony was AWESOME.  It begin with the performers from STOMP drumming out some powerful tunes on their garbage cans of all sizes.  I am so inspired to go home and duct tape our trash cans together, cut out pcv pipes, and start a trash can band!  (Phil start cleaning out the trash cans!)  We were then joined by the host of Effin' Science (with experiments that no teacher would EVER allow you to perform - required a fire truck for safety.)  and the CEO of DreamWorks Animation (The producers of SHREK, KUNG FU PANDA and THE LION KING).  They both focused on the importance of science and technology in their industry.  I found the CEO especially interesting when he explained that much of the work behind animation deals not only with technology but also with FLUID DYNAMICS (the PHYSICS of motion).  Think about it there is a BUNCH OF PHYSICS in those movies I just listed!  (I cried during the Lion King...just like sad I'm tearing up now! And when you have a baby be careful how you hold them.  Don't go waving him/her in the air even if they are a King!)  I digress...

On Tuesday I went to various SYMPOSIUMS (fancy word for meetings) one on protecting your ideas with  PATENTS and the other on presenting to judges.  Caroline...I've got some really cool stuff to tell you!!!
The highlight of the day with a Discussion Panel with 6 Nobel Prize Laureates: Michael Bishop (Medicine - 1989), Martin Chalfie (CHEMISTRY- 2008), Dudley Herschbach (CHEMISTRY -1986), Robert Horvits- 2002), Douglous Osheroff (Physics- 1996),  and Sir Richard Roberts (Medicine-1993).

Their message:
1.The most important thing in their lives:  THEIR FAMILIES,
2.Work hard for your passions and don't let others destroy your dreams (lots of critics out there!),
3.We ALL make mistakes - just start again!
These men were funny and so humble.  They looked like a bunch of sweet grampas!  I even thought about running up and giving them a big bear hug but I thought that could present some problems with security.

We took pictures with them afterword.  I spoke to Sir Richard Roberts and got his autograph.  We shared some scientific ideas and he said he'd shoot me an email next week so we can talk further.  Maybe we'll do lunch?  ( I didn't ask him about the Royal Wedding but should have!)  Some of the other Nobel Prize winners asked me if I wanted to go shoot pool but I told them I was going to get coffee with Chris and Gabby.  They understood. 

At night we went to LA Live to socialize.  LA Live is an open area with a bunch HUGE screens surrounded with restaurants and shops.  It is the location of STAPLE STADIUM (where the LA Lakers play ball/hoop).  The  Conga Room...BaBaLoo...

Later that night we went back to our hotel to practice the science fair presentations.  I am so humbled by the great students we are traveling with.  They are so smart!  Their projects are SOOOOOO awesome.  Mohan and Dileep's project deals with "minimizing" symptoms associated with neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's. Chris with engineering energy efficient rail lines.  Andrew with genetically engineering a new strand of rice for harsh environmental conditions.  Morgan with doping metals to make them better conductors and more energy efficient.  (Gabby - pH conditions and marine life...she is an observer THIS time.) 

These students have beautiful minds and hearts.  We could not ask for a nicer group of students to take to ISEF!!!!  I wish them all the best today in their judging!  Actually, I've made many biffles while here in LA.  Kristy, Dr. Raj, and Doug are like family!  (No one can replace my Chem Biffle...Ashley!)

GOT to go for now.  The adventure continues!   XOXOX

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Journey to LA Convention Center!

Well we started the day off very well.  EVERYONE made it to the airport on time...yes EVERYONE...and HE was the first student to show up!!!  (No name used to protect HIS identity.)  We are traveling with some  very nice people, Mr. Doug, Dr. Raj, Ms. Kristy and super smart ...Mojan and Dileep.  We are in awesome company!!

All went smoothly at the airport except that Chris "intrigued" the airport security with his carry-on bag.  It was a small black suitcase with lab papers, wires, tape, and plastic...all carefully wrapped in bath towels.  For some reason this got all THREE airport security personnel "concerned."  After a short, pleasant discussion between the nice gentlemen, Chris and Mr. Doug we were on our way. (And to think we were concerned about getting Gabby's apple, bagel, and nuts past security!)

After getting through security I told Chris and Gabby I was going to BLOG about our experience. Both responded by laughing out loud then saying "Yea...right."  They then said it will be interesting to see the comments...which I clarified that after teaching for 17 years I know better than to allow any of them to comment to my site!  Anyway...I was thankful to them for showing me how to use my new phone.

Our flights went very well.  Upon arriving to LA we got our luggage and made the shuttle to our hotel.  As we travelled to the hotel we went past areas that looked like Miami then with in about 15 minutes into areas that looked like New York.  We drove past a beautiful looked like something in Spain.  Lots of variety and history here.

We checked into the hotel and proceeded to register/set-up at the convention center.  We all received our paperwork and identification for our lanyards.  Chris got a special ribbon on his said "ISEF ALUMNI" since this is his THIRD year.  While at set-up Chris was greeted on a first name basis by a couple of the Judges.  Must be lanyard just says "teacher."  While at the convention center we also met up with another one of our students...Andrew...another great smart person!  Later that day we went to the Marriot for a student social.  This is where the kids "socialize" with students from all over the world.  Adults are not allowed at the social...probably because I would be going around telling them to smile for the camera! 

Convention center is beautiful and HUGE!  One very cool thing I saw yesterday is that they have an
 "e-lounge"  with about 100 laptops set-up for people to use.  (They are super pretty -that's important you know - almost tie-dye the way did you wash your shirts? I'm multitasking!)   Well got to go...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My First Posting

I know you are stunned right now that I have a blog. You're wondering who could have done such a thing--help me setup my blog that is. You would be correct if you thought it was my brilliant daughter Alex. (I have to give credit where credit is due!)

Follow me through this exciting time as I take Chris and Gabby to International Science Fair. I am so honored to be included in this group of awesome people. I am the token "Average". For those of you who know me well (AP Chem people) you know I'm likely to find the humor in everything. My plan is to make this an educational experience, but I'm likely to repeat some of the funnier stuff I experience. Got to go for now. I'll check in with you tomorrow after I fly out to L.A.! ...I'm very excited...I bought Scrabble for the flight...I wonder if Scrabble accepts words like "thermodynamics", "electrochemistry", "chiwawa" and "pottylawatty"...I guess I'll find out tomorrow...