Well today we - Jan, Jeff, and Michael, Ms. W and myself - completed the last of our summer NOAA testing. I'm so lucky to be surrounded by smart, hard working people! (Makes my life easier!!!) We did get a surprise visitor to our net today...a jellyfish mom and child...after we looked at them for a while we sent them on a "new journey"...
Anyway...Matt Brim, the NOAA coordinator for the East Coast, says we are an "exciting monitoring site!" And we are...we have hit 5 confirmed blooms in 3 months! No "late bloomers here!" Is that exciting or what...actually my "investigators" get very excited when they DON'T hit a bloom! Less than 9,000 please!!!
But we do like a little skeletonema, ditylum, and cosinidiscus in the sample.
We have now been PUBLISHED to the official NOAA monitoring website. COOL BEANS!!! I'm so excited I might need to celebrate with a Neutron Energy drink...or just take a nap?