Thursday, May 26, 2011

2nd Roll Call!

It has been almost 24 hours since our experiment began.  Since then we're up to 12 countries!!!  It's getting Australia, Brazil, and France have joined in the McSchmitty Experiment!  But then some of the others are dropping off...sadness...they don't want to be counted in on this very scientific global scale experiment?  What the heck???   Now I have to get answers about why they dropped off?  I might even have to talk to some "tech" people...scary!  (Or I'll just ask my students since they know the answers to almost everything!!!  Actually when it comes to technology THEY are usually right on!  I'm sure they don't have belly buttons they have USB ports...there's another cutting edge idea! )

A shout out to those who brought in those new countries...we really are very connected!