How connected are we to the whole world? After talking to my A-mod students further we discovered we had connections to...3 Presidents...Steven Tyler...Brittany Spears...Muhammed Ali...Chuch Norris..Nicholas Cage...Johnny Depp...Al Capone...Will Ferrel...Lu Holtz...Neil Armstrong/Buzz Aldrin/Michael Collins...Dennis DeYoung...Charice...Zach Galifianakis ....and Queen Elizabeth!!!! THE WORLD IS GETTING SMALLER BY THE SECOND!!!! AND THAT WAS JUST A MOD (ONE CLASS) !!!!!
So here's the experiment....send this blog to anyone who lives outside of the US...let's see how long it takes for us to cover the GLOBE? A day? A year? A never? What the heck...Vincent will do a science project on getting Internet service to what ever country does not receive this that inspiration or what!