Well...I checked my stats and I have 385 hits from the US/Alaska (probably Howard the Alaskan salesman!), 4 from Germany, 1 from Argentina, 1 from India, and 1 from Canada. Now I'm just curios...how long before we connect to the entire globe? After all there is suppose to be 6 Degrees of Separation (although one of my students "Chuckers" says its 7 for him...) ...I think this separation thing means that we are all suppose to be connected to each other by 6 people.....I think there's a book on this...
For a really cool example that I shared with my students...my son was in flight school with Dr. Robert Milikan's great, great nephew (blood line thingy). Who is Robert Milikan (University of Chicago)? ...why he did the famous OIL DROP EXPERIMENT in which he used Thomson's data to come up with the mass and charge of the electron. THE FIRST AMERICAN to contribute to the MODERN ATOMIC THEORY! Cool beans! So here's the really cool connections...my students are connect to me...I gave birth to my kid..my kid in school with Milikan's nephew...Milikan's nephew is Nephew of Milikan... SO TO RECAP...my students..to me...to my kid...to nephew...to Milikan....MY STUDENTS HAVE CONNECTIONS TO THE MODERN ATOMIC THEORY!!!! VERY, VERY COOL BEANS!!!!
And Milikan was buds with Thomson, Rutherford and maybe even Einstein! WOWSERS!!!!!
Any way I got this experiment I'm thinking about...