I know you are stunned right now that I have a blog. You're wondering who could have done such a thing--help me setup my blog that is. You would be correct if you thought it was my brilliant daughter Alex. (I have to give credit where credit is due!)
Follow me through this exciting time as I take Chris and Gabby to International Science Fair. I am so honored to be included in this group of awesome people. I am the token "Average". For those of you who know me well (AP Chem people) you know I'm likely to find the humor in everything. My plan is to make this an educational experience, but I'm likely to repeat some of the funnier stuff I experience. Got to go for now. I'll check in with you tomorrow after I fly out to L.A.! ...I'm very excited...I bought Scrabble for the flight...I wonder if Scrabble accepts words like "thermodynamics", "electrochemistry", "chiwawa" and "pottylawatty"...I guess I'll find out tomorrow...